Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Garbage-man

The difference between watching a game on television and actually being there in person is a phenomenal one.  I was lucky enough to score some tickets to Syracuse's last home game against the Marquette Golden Eagles and being there in person gave me more of an appreciation of the little things that you notice certain players do, the most notable player being No. 12, Kristof Ongeanat, a Belgian import from a junior college in California.  Ongeanat's stat-line wasn't notably impressive, but by no means underwhelming, he had 9 points, 5 rebounds, and 3 blocks.  What impressed me about Ongeanat were the little things that he did, the things that didn't show up in the box score, watching the game, only four rows back, I felt like Ongeanat altered every shot that Marquette put up, he seemed to me like he was everywhere, his hustle was incredible.  I was not the only one that noticed it either, I could hear the chatter of the crowd, and the positive things that they were saying about him, it all showed when Ongeanat stole the ball, drove the length of the floor and then slammed it down, drawing a foul, the place went crazy.  If I had been watching the game on TV, I would never have noticed the little things he did and I would not have appreciated him as much as I did after the game.

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